Tuesday, October 19, 2010

advance, retreat,, double advance, double retreat, lunge

For the past two days (well lesson, not every class meets everyday) I have been going over the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address. Two full lessons on a battle that lasted 3 days.

For our next lesson, we will be learning about Reconstruction. A period of 12 years all wrapped up into one 45 minute lesson.

We'll see how that goes.

Beyond that, school has been going pretty well. This week is "Spirit Week" because Homecoming is Saturday (at my high school homecoming was never a big deal, so this is new to me). But for spirit week:

Monday - Tie-Dye and Neon Day (dress up in those clothes - I didn't join in)
Tuesday - Twin Day (pick a partner and dress alike, me and my twin were awesome - we wore matching polos and jeans but then over that we worn 1980 throwback Astro's jerseys. For some reason, he had 2 of them, we were wicked cool)
Wednesday - College Sweatshirt Day (makes sense) but also the "College Bowl" takes place. Freshmen vs. Sophomores, Juniors vs. Seniors, Faculty plays the winner of the students.
Thursday - Crazy Tie and Tights Day
Friday - Theme dress down day.
- each class has a di fferent theme and for friday the students have to dress according to their theme (the faculty get to dress in whatever theme they want)
Freshmen - Tarzan
Sophomores - Peter Pan
Juniors - Alice in Wonderland
Seniors - Hercules

We'll see how the rest of the week ends up.

[right now i'm doing after school cafeteria duty. on tuesdays, the fencing team has practice. imagine about 50 or so awkward high school kids fencing. yes it's hilarious and terrifying at the same time]

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