Friday afternoon was a rally with class skits. The freshmen did well, they reenacted the music in the camp scene from Tarzan. The sophomores sucked. Seniors was 15 minutes of confusion, with zombies, angels, demons, Thriller, and a fight scene? I don't know. Juniors again were awesome they had the tea party scene and then some more after that which was awesome. The faculty (not me) reenacted the hippo dance scene from Fantasia. HILARIOUS.
This week was good though. My classes' Civil War Reenactment Projects were due. A majority of the students made dioramas of battles, some awesome most other mediocre. One group did an in-class reenactment. I have about 8 groups make movies and they were awesome. Legitimately, awesome. I was so impressed. It was great, funny too. One group had in the beginning that their video was dedicated to me even.
We had review games too this week, went well, got to use a Smart Board. Got observed and evaluated, generally good (he didn't enjoy the review game). But test tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes (I really hope the do well, they are totally capable).
Methinks you hate the sophomores.