Wednesday, September 14, 2011


this week has been going by smoothly. so far no fire alarms in the rain, no students bah'ing like sheep (I had a lot of that last year) or any crazy stories along those lines.

Monday we had a normal school day I taught about a the Lincoln-Douglas debates (where I compare Lincoln to Sarah Palin), Harpers Ferry (where I compared John Brown to Obama and GW Bush) and the Dred Scott Case (where I compared Dred Scott to a cellphone). Some of them were somewhat odd connections, but they all worked in a way to help the students remember/understand the overall topic.

Tuesday was similar, teaching the same sorts of lessons, just to different class periods. But after school tuesday, we had "BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT!" where parents do a mini-schedule of their students classes (for only 7 minutes each), get to see the teachers and walk them halls just like when they were in high school.

Period 1 - had three parents show up to the wrong room so it was a little embarrassing for them. I had one parent of a student how told me to "Rock On!" as he was leaving at the end of the class.

Period 2 - Free!

Period 3 - Had a parent of a student show up late to class and jokingly pleaded not to have that reflect poorly for their student. At the end of class she came up to me and said, "now I have no excuse for yelling at her for being late to class"

Period 4 - when I was talking about some of the video projects we'll do in class, I turned to one of the fathers and said, "your son was actually in a few of the video projects from last year because he was friends with some of my former students, at one point in the video he ran through target with a penguin suit on but it surprisingly worked for video's purpose" He quickly responded he had no idea that happened and made a note to talk to his son later (didn't mean tot get him in trouble, wups).

Period 5 - I had one dad just blankly stare at me the whole time I gave my speech (the EXACT same expression on his face that his son gives me everyday).

Period 6 - Free!

Period 7 - Let my parents leave early so they could escape the parking lot before the big rush of eeryone trying to leave all at once (they seemed very excited to be done with the day)

All in all on tuesday, from teaching to parents night was at school from about 6:45am to 9:30pm

Gladly wednesday (today) is a half day and lucky for me I only had to actually teach one of my classes, the other periods that met today were all of my free periods.

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