Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Skype Chat

No real funny stories or experiences have happened lately. I'm in the middle of my Native American unit as of now and it''s going well. We just started going over the Reservation system as of the 21st Century with a specific look at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota (where I used to work). We've read articles, watched videos (20/20 did a Special about the Rez on October 14th), looked at pictures, and I told about my experiences.

Tomorrow, in one of my classes, I'm skyping with my friend who teaches on a the Pine Ridge Reservation. My juniors will be asking her 6th graders questions and vice versa. Today in class, we went over the appropriate and inappropriate questions they could ask. You can't just ask a 6th grader "what's poverty like?" straight out. Instead, what we covered today, was how to get answer you want but by asking the correctly phrased questions. For example, if you ask "how many people do you live with?" it is not intrusive, inappropriate, or rude. But you would be able to find out a lot about a child's home life if they answer that they live with over 10 other people.

In any case, we'll see how it goes. My students seem really excited about it. But who knows, they might get "stage fright" and not ask any questions tomorrow.

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